Pulmonary Medical Associates

Our Services

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Remote Patient Monitoring

PMA offers this method of healthcare delivery that uses the latest advances in technology to gather patient data outside of traditional healthcare settings.


In Lab Sleep Testing

Patients are monitored overnight in a sleep center where they are diagnosed and treated for sleep disorders. Learn more about sleep disorders here.


Pulmonary Function Testing

PMA offers a complete evaluation of the respiratory system including patient history, physical examinations and tests that include lung volume, capacity, rates of flow and gas exchange.

Overnight Pulse Oxymetry

This test is a commonly used screening test that evaluates blood oxygen levels. PMA offers this simply at home test to its patients to help diagnose common sleep disorders such as sleep apnea. Contact us to learn more.

Home Sleep Testing

PMA offers this concierge test where patients are monitored while at home to be treated for sleep disorders. Learn more about HSATs here.

CPAP Clinic

PMA offers CPAP services to help treat sleep apnea and other sleep disorders. Contact us to learn more.